Sunday, September 04, 2016

In which the pond indulges in a Sunday meditation with guest Jensenists and a palpable Bolter prawn ...

Only in The Graudian, and if the pond may be so bold as to re-write that opening line with a few synonyms, Donald Trump's visit to a black church in Detroit met with tasty, appetising, pleasant-tasting, agreeable, pleasing, pleasurable disgust among protestors and activists on Saturday ...

So it goes on a palpable Sunday, but the pond was a little too low energy for a comprehensive Sunday meditation, and besides, it always prefers graphics to palatable text ...

So when this was tweeted, the pond was anxious to recycle the ruination being perpetrated by social media ...

Well yes, what to say about the simplistic ideas of marriage peddled by people who refuse to read or take the bible seriously, and refuse to acknowledge some of its contradictions ...

That naturally led to the pond thinking about the angry Sydney Anglicans ...

You see, there recently came some shocking news which made every angry Sydney Anglican alert and aware, and possibly checking to make sure their complimentary women were locked safely away in a cupboard so they wouldn't be disturbed ...

Now the appalling, shocking, terrifying story of two people in love leading loving, civilised lives could be found at the Graudian here, and the ongoing fuss and controversy here, but luckily the angry Sydney Anglicans had a Jensenist standing by ...

How grateful the pond felt. How dull the Anglican website has been since the Jensenists left in droves ...

These days they're forced to turn to ... gasp ... commercial talkback radio of the low, vulgar, shock jock kind ...

How very uncucumber sandwich, how unseemly.

Fortunately there are other forums - fora if you will - which are more seemly. Just as bilious, but in a more seemly prayerful way ...

The pond was drawn to that final par with its fundamentalist rigour ...

We remain opposed to the guidelines for clergy and Bishops, permitting them to be in same sex relationships as long as they publicly declare that the relationship is not sexual. This creates confusion in terms of the church’s teaching on the nature of sex and marriage, and it is not modelling a helpful way to live, given the reality of our humanity, and temptation to sexual sin.

Indeed, indeed ... temptation everywhere, and everyone wanting a drink ...

Well yes, that's pretty clear cut. 

Just a look and you've done it, and you're done and dusted. Pluck it out, cut if off ...

Gaze on a complimentary woman with lust in your heart, and what's the punishment for this wicked deed, it being straight-out adultery?

And then there's an eternity of hell.

Well that takes care of probably 100% of angry Sydney Anglicans. Off to hell with the lot of them after a tidy stoning to death to get them there ..

And for those who came in late on the pond's jokes about complimentary women please allow the pond to revert to the smooth adult sounds of hits and memories ...

There's a lot more here ... but the pond stopped at that thought of a submissive one ...

Does that mean She's a bloody sadist with an expectation that quivering, angry male Sydney Anglicans should submit to her whip and her dominant mistressy ways ...

It all started to get too hard for the pond. A look scores you a one way trip to hell, and you can't live with someone in a loving relationship because that scores you a one way trip to to hell ...

And we have to blame it all on Her, a dominant sadistic bitch?

No wonder angry Sydney Anglicans and complimentary women are routinely befuddled ...

Daddy, what are they doing up on that screen?

Hush child, that couple are married, and she's being complimentary.

But daddy, what if we look at that man, and imagine ourselves kissing that woman?

Does that mean a man looking that way, putting himself in the place of that man, coveting that woman and kissing her, does that mean he's committed adultery? And what if it's a woman imagining that she's that man? And then kissing that woman? What then daddy?

And what is it with angora sweaters?

Hush child, would you like a treat?

Meanwhile, in another country, on another planet ... here ...

But that's another Sunday meditation, probably titled "impending hell on earth", and probably something an intermission, a pack of Jaffas and complimentary women won't be able to fix ...

And we have plenty to thank for it, Malware, Greg 'walri' Hunt and assorted chardonnay-swillers ...

Indeed, indeed, and some are quietly and steadily already living the dream, as outlined in Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, has Already Begun ...

Well it puts Daesh in some sort of perspective ...

And here's your typical chardonnay swiller of the Melbourne urban kind having a typical day at the very palatable office ...

Scrub that. 

Pinot swiller, and don't forget the palpable tamarind prawns ...


  1. Oh, DP, you jest! The Sydney Anglicans are going to Hell anyway unless they accept the infallibility of the Pope, give up their heretical ways and embrace the one true Church.

    1. Yeah, and Jensenistas in such small portions, especially for a Sunday.


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