Monday, April 17, 2017

In which the pond discovers a digital life beyond the Oreo, thanks to the Major Mitchell ...


The pond had endured over two and a half hours of Scorsese's Silence in preparation for its Monday slice of Oreo, and her wailing and moaning about the persecution and renunciation of Judeo-Christian western civilisation.

Wasted. No sign of the Monday Oreo, and no immediate benefit to the pond's suffering.

Scorsese clearly made the film to prove that the average Ozu opus was faster than a speeding Shinkansen, and the pond spent hours waiting for the arrival of Narnia's lion, but there were good bits too, with the pond cheering from the couch as the cunning Japanese got all sorts of sun-worshippers to apostatise.

Even Spider Man fell at the end, and trampled on the image of Christ, though, bearing in mind the Vatican mob, Scorsese arranged a rose bud moment for Spider Man right at the end.

But enough of fracturing flicks, because the reptiles of Oz thoughtfully arranged an Oreo replacement ... an artless troll doing his best to produce clicks with a useless bit of trolling ...

No doubt it's part of a series of listicles by Adam ...

The pond can look forward to Creighton's "ten reasons why I would have voted for Adolf, given the chance", "fifteen reasons why Benito Mussolini deserved a vote", "twenty reasons why the Jews have ruined Europe and run the world", "one reason why I would have voted for the fascist one man government rule of dictator Erdogan - and why his model of government should be adopted throughout the EU" (well you don't need one more than one reason, do you?), and "seven lucky reasons why I would have voted for Stalin and Mao, if only they'd actually allowed any voting ..."

Of course the pond is grateful to be reminded that Adam thinks that the French copped a bum rap about the minor matter of the 1942 Vel d'Hiv, which saw a few Jews shipped off to a Concentration Club (thank you Sean), but that's the way it goes in reptile la la land ...

But those Creighton pleasures are in the future - the pond must decant and sip its fuckwitted reptiles slowly, to savour the flavour - and fortunately in the interim, the reptiles provided another brand of reliable entertainment...

Yes, in Major Mitchell la la land, making a success of revenue is code for making a substantial loss over many years ...

The funniest thing? The bitterest pill the Major Mitchell can't yet admit? Well for that, the pond had to head off to the Graudian and Amanda Meade here ...

The reptiles are now going to have to do it all just as Kim proposed ... despite the luddite Major Mitchell fighting against all the new fangled notions for years ... producing more than enough irony to get through the Monday ... 

In the same piece, Meade noted the protesting reptiles getting agitated about all this talk of paywalls, while the very popular free site,, cherry picked tabloid stories and made out like a click bait bandit, while tabloid jobs were thrown on the fire ...

According to Meade, the hapless Currish Snail mob were most upset about an organisation so far up its fundament it might as well have been amongst the sun worshippers of Japan:

...Staff at News Corp’s Bowen Hills headquarters passed a motion of no confidence in senior national News Corp management for its inability to “build an economically viable company”. 
“Management’s continuing answer to economic pressures is to reduce staff numbers and jeopardise the quality of the product,” the resolution – unusually bolshie for News Ltd staff – said. 
“On a daily basis we see our masthead’s paywall breached by and other News Corp mastheads. 
“We are yet to see any business innovation that turns the online model into a paying model and believe senior management needs to identify to staff the business plan to increase revenue beyond staff cost cutting...
...“We are appalled that across Queensland we have worked to build our online presence and connect to our markets but we are still unable to maintain a paywall or deliver papers in some regional areas before 11am. Senior News Corp management needs to be held accountable for its poor business decisions.”

Indeed, indeed. The business model of the Bolter, for example, is to recycle every bit of ranting right wing guff he can find in the lizard Oz, the News Corp tabloids, and ratbag publications around the world ...

But speaking of senior News Corp management that needs to be held accountable for poor business decisions, it's time for another gobbet of delight from Major Mitchell ...

A tinpot half-baked medals promotion? That's his answer to it all?


Well the pond knows where that talk of medals is heading.

The long arduous search for the Order of Lenin worn by Manning Clark will continue ... why, the pond knows for a fact that it can be seen in this photo ...

Hint. Look beneath the leaves, prise off the bark, you're sure to find it, and then you can tell readers how good you are at demolishing fake news and providing reports that consumers can trust ... that's right, remember to label readers as consumers ...

And that means you can blow raspberries at suppliers of fake news always willing to mock the sun-worshipping prophet ...

Well the pond just has to pause for an old moment with First Dog ...

Okay, that sets the tone for the very last, and thankfully short gobbet ...

Indeed, indeed. The Major Mitchell has now been reduced to futtering and spluttering away in a weekly news column about the need to forget the algorithms ...

It all reminded the pond of that ancient song ...

Mama take this keyboard from me 
I can't use it anymore 
It's gettin' dark, too dark to see 
The Order of Lenin hidden in that tree
Feels like digital's knocking on my door
Mama put my algorithms in the ground 
I can't follow them anymore 
That cold black cloud is comin' down 
Feels like digital's sending me to the floor 

Or some such.

Luckily Rowe was on hand to feature a genuine pissing contest, which isn't exactly the same as the Major Mitchell pissing into the wind, with more Rowe here, as always ...


  1. Adam Creighton: "the world's first modern state"

    The first modern state ? After staging a bloody revolt and slaughtering most of the "nobility" and royalty, then instituting a bloody reign of terror on the people, and finally waging imperialist war against most of Europe ?

    Umm, yes, maybe France actually was the first modern state after all.

  2. "but I reckon people are starting to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff in publishing"....Bwhaaa! It's not like even you,personally,have not been trying to explain to the reptiles that their business model,let alone their journalism is so fucked that even with losses that any publishing house would not tolerate,fools like Mitchell think there is still light at the inner depths of Rupert's anus. Hilarious.
    Warren Zevon does a fine version of Knockin' On Heaven's Door,but I think this track off the same album is right up the Major's alley.Suffer ye,editorial shill.


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