Friday, April 14, 2017

In which the pond joins Sharri for a little sabre-rattling and rocket-thrusting ...

This Friday, as advance notice of the hell to which secularism and atheism leads, the pond has been consigned the company of Sharri ... and after the domestic waltz in support of ScoMo, the pond must now do an international tango with the sabre-rattling, rocket-thrusting Donald ...

It has to be said that certain women are infatuated with the sight and sounds of soaring rockets, thrusting into the air, and then burying themselves in a mound on the ground ...

It has to do with the fine art of distraction ...

Well the pond had to lead with a cartoon because Sharri also loves a cartoon ...

Oh just look at that manly thrusting rocket and the pulsating hair, gyrating beside it, and contrast that with the cowardly doggy negrah, down on his haunches and quivering beside this wondrous manly spectacle ...

Well if we're going to deploy cartoons of a manly thrusting Tiedemann kind, the pond has a few in stock too ...

You've got to laugh, if not to cry, because elsewhere - for those not focussed on simplistic Sharri - the fun has been to count the stunning number of one hundred and eighty degree u-turns and flip flops performed by the Donald in one spectacular week...

Not just domestic, but also international, as counted here at CNN in Trump's stunning U-turns on NATO, China, Russia and Syria ... and dozens of other places ...US News got its clickbait listicle up to 10 Flip-Flops ...

Anyone selling white goods would have been hauled up in front of the ACCC for creating a false and misleading impression ... but not in simplistic Sharri's admiring world ...

Thank the long absent lord the Terrorists love their snaps ... it breaks up the text and makes it digestible, and then it's easy to slide past the gibberish of the former Apprentice TV host preparing for the fight ... presumably in the same way he was going to label China a currency manipulator on his very first day in office ...

A welcome show of strength ... and a Hollywood blockbuster?

That's analysis of the kind the pond has always admired in Sharri, since she used that long-forgotten Punch blog to claw her way into the innards of News Corp ...

But don't get the pond wrong ... everybody's with the Donald ...

The pond will concede one thing. It seems that Sharri is a devoted reader of the bromancer and knows how to regurgitate everything that the bromancer has written ...

The pond is even more impressed by her talk of an exclusive Terror scoop.

Frankly the pond never had a clue that the US was prepared to shoot down a North Korean missile should it be launched ...

Yes, as per the Express and CNBC and any number of other sites easily googled, they've been talking up shooting down North Korean missiles for yonks ... but hey nonny no, on we go ...

Of course by the time that Sharri had meandered to the end of the sabre-rattling column, a few complexities had started to weigh on her mind, not least a sudden awareness that poking a rocket stick at the barking mad North Koreans might produce a barking mad response ... a tactic the rattlesnake relies on too ...

And yet, despite the Donald discovering that health policy and North Korea are complicated, simple-minded Sharri ends it all with ...

Reasserting its authority and filling the leadership void ...

So how to reassert authority and fill the void? Apparently it only takes ten minutes of easy listening, though Perry Como is more the pond's idea of MOR ...

At Vox here, with many other sites musing about the ten minute enlightenment, up there with the best of Zen Buddhist students ...

Well that's enough religion for this day, or the pond might start marvelling at the way the long absent lord saved Anthony Fisher.

Waiter, more here, and some of that Terrorist kool-aid please ... in an precious teacup if you please ....

Now can someone give Sharri ten minutes with the Donald spending ten minutes with the Chinese President while the pond wraps it up with a couple of cartoons...

Meanwhile, on a planet far removed from the one inhabited by simplistic Sharri, as the Donald goes about his domestic business ...

Tell that to the Donald's EPA. Take it to the SCOTUS if you like now that the balance has been fixed ... or head off to New Zealand for the quiet life free of storms...

Never mind, it was time for the planet to die ...


  1. Hi Dorothy,

    Just might be worth mentioning that the term MOAB has an historical meaning in the Middle East.


    1. Home territory of the Moabites:

      The Moabites were a tribe descended from Moab, the son of Lot, born of an incestuous relationship with his oldest daughter (Genesis 19:37). From Zoar, the cradle of this tribe, on the southeastern border of the Dead Sea, they gradually spread over the region on the east of Jordan.


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