Friday, December 01, 2017

In which the Oz editorialist speaks and it's off to the knackery ...

Dear sweet long absent lord, how the pond regrets its lunchtime frivolity ... the reptiles are tearing themselves apart ...

Now it just might be the way that the pond's intertubes is currently dropping out every five minutes or so and uploading data and working online is virtually impossible - and it's beyond the wit of anyone to fix it - that Jack's talk of a carcass dangling in the wind seemed much more apposite than the oscillating fan standing in Malware's corner:

But when it comes to this sort of feuding and fussing, the pond always turns to the umpire for a decision, a ref with the right sort of gravitas, and who better than the lizard Oz's anonymous editorialist, the mouthpiece for Murdochians throughout the land?

Sure they were scribbling before the current roadkill fuss erupted, but there's no reason for the reptile verdict to change, especially if it's a hanging judge and the ump decides the carcass should swing in the breeze ...

Uh huh, oh yes, the workers are going to be the ones to suffer, no doubt about it ...

Well it seems that's that for Malware...

All that needs to happen are the funeral arrangements, perhaps early in the new year, with the Oz editorialist acting as the undertaker:

He's lost control of government, parliament and the country? Good, because he had absolutely every chance to control the ruination of the NBN ...

And now all that's left is for cartoonists to choose their metaphor ...

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