Wednesday, February 07, 2018

In which Dame Slap saves the IPA day ...

The pond is never above a bait and switch ... 

How tempting the Devine looks, with her heartfelt cry for dinkum Oz coal, oi, oi, oi, and her lashing of the Bishop ...

But when the pond wants an expert lashing, it always turns to Dame Slap ...

You see, only Dame Slap can tread the difficult road of berating Malware while at the same time berating fiendish, tricky, outrageous, shocking lefties ... not in a 'pox on all their houses' style, but in a 'pox on very specific houses' way ...
And look, there's a Lobbecke cartoon at the head of it, though strangely it doesn't show Dame Slap perched on Malware's nose ...

The pond is astonished that Dame Slap is astonished. In these remarkable times, unless you stand and clap Malware at appropriate times, you might well be dubbed unAustralian or a traitor ... at least if we begin to follow the new style in the United States ...

The crypto-fascist heart beats strongly in the likes of the mutton Dutton, and the reptiles have been steadfast in cheering it on for years ... and now suddenly, they discover that if you spend a little, the expression of any views on any issue before electors whether a writ has been issued or not might be a problem?

We've been there before, the incessant demand that everyone fall into line ...

And so to the difficult balancing act ... because you see, Dame Slap happens to be an IPA fellow traveller. How to explain how dreadful GetUp! is, and how it should be given a spanking, while saving the IPA?

Of course Dame Slap doesn't have anything to say about the dangerous drift to the right which led to this predicament... or while berating GetUp! for sundry reasons, why she fails to mention how it is that the IPA feels no need for transparency in relation to its funding ...

Who knows who has funded the IPA, or for what reasons, outside the obvious ones, such as big tobacco wanting to go on maintaining its ability to kill people, and the fair chance that there's a decent amount of big mining money in there, so that dinkum Aussie coal might continue to flourish, oi, Devine, oi, oi ...

It takes a fair amount of chutzpah to rate GetUp! at zero credibility, while giving the IPA a free pass ...

And at this point the pond must sadly note that punters have now lost their chance to catch up with the first book about Dame Slap, nobly made available by the Terrorist reptiles at great expense ...

Long gone, and the pond never found out whether it contained Dame Slap ... or Dame Snap ... taking a break from telling everyone to fall into line and to work hard ...

Never mind, only Dame Slap could discover in all this a dangerous drift to the left, as opposed to the Liberal desire to drift off into the maddy alt right so nobly represented by Dame Slap on any other day of the week ...

And now, it seems, Dame Slap is proud to claim her status as a lawyer ... 

What was it that the reptiles' Adam observed as he wandered in his garden a few days ago?

Shame, shame, as if Dame Slap was incapable of logic, and as if scribbling for the Oz was doing anything other than productive ...

Now it's true that many other things have been happening in the world in recent times, proving the benefits of having economics correspondents ... where would the markets be without them?

But actually Rowe said as much as the pond feels needs to be said on that matter, with more Rowe here ...

1 comment:

  1. No, I really think she is just a pitiful Snap and not the full-on Slap, DP.

    I don't know why she just can't come out and say what she really wants: to ban GetUp! - and maybe a few other advocacy groups, think tanks and charities - while keeping all the Sydney Institutes, IPAs, Menzies Research Centres, CIS etc full on and functioning.

    But what will she say about The Three MickeyMouses, namely Bernardi, Leyonhjelm and Anning ? And maybe even Molan in due course. Now that's a group that will make gratuitous statements about possible election matters even while they are hugely subsidised by the Liberal Party trading as the Federal Government.


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